Oak Ice Baths

The Process: Sand. Varnish. Repeat.

About Langham Ice Baths

Langham Ice baths began from an interest in Whisky and a long standing family connection with woodwork. Having bought and sold whisky for fifteen years, drunk a few bottles along the way, and with an award winning boat builder as a father, it seemed a natural fit to find a use for the thousands of whisky barrels that are either burnt, left to rot or end up as flower pots.

We up-cycle American Oak whisky barrels and convert them into durable, hygienic, aesthetic ice baths for you and your family to enjoy at home.

They are up-cycled in the UK, at Langham in Dorset, and are made to last a lifetime.

Simple. Aesthetic. Natural.

Whilst the world tries to add complexity to your life, we want to simplify.

At Langham we have no chillers, no electrics, no noise and no nonsense. Just oak, organic resin, cold water and the surrounding environment.

The ambient temperature in the UK is cold enough to release all the dopamine, epinephrin and norepinephrine that your body will respond to. Anywhere between 7-15 degrees is enough for your body to release these hormones.

If you don’t believe us, listen to the experts. The physiological response to cold water peaks somewhere between 10-15°C.

You already live a hectic life, no need to make it more difficult.

Ice therapy offers a wealth of benefits for family health and well-being through the therapeutic use of cold temperatures

By embracing ice therapy, families can enjoy a range of benefits that contribute to physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being, fostering a nurturing environment for growth and shared wellness experiences. This holistic approach solidifies ice therapy's value in promoting a healthy, happy family life…

…and it’s really fun!

Pain Relief and Injury Recovery: Ice therapy causes vasoconstriction, the narrowing of blood vessels, reducing blood flow to areas of inflammation and pain. This can help alleviate discomfort and accelerate healing from injuries, beneficial for all family members, from active kids to adults.

Mental Well-Being: Exposure to cold triggers the nervous system to release endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators. This can lead to improved mood and reduced stress levels, enhancing the mental well-being of the entire family. The practice can be a powerful stress management tool, offering clarity and emotional balance.

Improved Sleep Quality: The endorphin release prompted by ice therapy can also improve sleep patterns. Better sleep is crucial for the health and daily functioning of family members, allowing everyone to recharge fully.

Boosted Immune System: Regular ice therapy sessions can stimulate the immune system, potentially leading to a healthier family life with fewer illnesses. This aspect is particularly valuable in maintaining the overall resilience and well-being of the family.

Non-Invasive and Natural Method: Integrating ice therapy into a family's wellness routine is a straightforward, natural approach to enhancing both physical and mental health. It supports an active, vibrant lifestyle without the need for invasive treatments or medications.

If you dread cold showers or a cold plunge first thing in the morning, you stand to benefit more, not less from the long lasting adrenaline & dopamine increase it triggers
— Dr. Andrew Huberman, Ph.D

Dr. Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioural psychology.

Your Cask. Your Vintage.

The casks are all different and as such require more or less treatment depending on their state. They are shipped from Scotland to our storage facility in Dorset where they rest and dry out to a moisture content of between 11% and 15%.

Here they are stripped, sanded and varnished. Depending on the state of the barrel, they will receive between 3-5 coats of premium varnish, dried for at least 24 hours between each coat.

The final stage is applying the interior resin. This is an organic resin that is applied, dried, sanded and then applied for a second time. The resin protects the Oak interior and makes cleaning the barrel much easier.

Each cask is then stamped with the number and the vintage. We don’t mass produce our barrels.

They take time, like a fine Whisky.

The Barrel

  • Like any outdoor item, try to keep the barrel clean from any external mould or dirt. The barrel may experience changes in colour from captured moisture. We have found that sunlight tends to clear any temporary blemishes. The treatment is strong and durable, but remember, like any wood product left outside, the weather will have an impact. Wood contracts and expands, and with that you may experience the occasional drip.

    Try to keep the barrel in the shade during the summer months. This will reduce the frequency needed for cleaning. It will also protect the finish.

  • If you have ever owned a swimming pool, you will know that chemicals are a nightmare, filters get blocked and the pumps often break. The whole point of the Langham Ice Bath is to embrace simplicity. We recommend emptying and refilling the barrel weekly during the summer, less often during the winter, based on every day usage. Epsom salts are great for your well being and will help keep the barrel clean.

  • The average width and height is 100cm and 100cm (Optimised to make it easier for you to get in) respectively. They weigh approx 100kg when empty.

    Please ensure that you have suitable access for delivery.

    Delivery is arranged via a pallet provider. There is a standard charge of £120 for delivery.

  • • The Langham Ice Barrel

    • Wooden lid fitted with brass handles

    • Magnetic Thermometer

  • Cask serial number plates can be inscribed with a short message. Please add this at checkout.

  • The Barrels are made to order, and depending on demand, we aim to deliver within 6-8 weeks.

  • **Safety Notice and Disclaimer for Ice Bath Usage**

    The use of ice baths can be an effective method for recovery and therapeutic purposes when used correctly. However, it is essential to follow all safety guidelines to prevent injury or adverse health effects. By using our ice bath products, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

    1. **Medical Advice:** Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or therapy, including ice baths. Ice baths may not be suitable for everyone, particularly individuals with certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, or hypersensitivity to cold.

    2. **Proper Use:** Follow all instructions provided with our products to ensure safe and effective use. Never use an ice bath if you are alone or without the ability to call for assistance in case of an emergency.

    3. **Duration and Temperature:** Limit the duration of ice bath sessions to recommended times, typically no longer than 10-15 minutes a week.

    4. **Risk of Hypothermia:** Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia. Monitor your body's response to cold exposure and exit the ice bath immediately if you experience signs of hypothermia, such as uncontrollable shivering, dizziness, numbness, or confusion.

    5. **Contraindications:** Do not use ice baths if you are pregnant, have open wounds, or have any condition that could be exacerbated by cold exposure. Always check with your healthcare provider if you are unsure whether ice baths are appropriate for you.

    6. **Liability:** Our company is not responsible for any injuries, health complications, or damages resulting from the improper use of our ice bath products. Users assume all risks associated with the use of ice baths, including but not limited to, the risk of hypothermia, frostbite, or other cold-related injuries.

    7. **Emergency Situations:** In case of an emergency, seek immediate medical attention. If you experience severe discomfort, pain, or any adverse reactions while using the ice bath, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

    By using our ice bath products, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this disclaimer. Your safety and well-being are our priority, and we encourage responsible and informed use of our products.

    For any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service team.

    Langham Ice Baths


    This disclaimer aims to inform users of the potential risks associated with ice bath usage and emphasize the importance of consulting healthcare professionals before use. It also limits the company's liability for any adverse effects resulting from improper use of the product.


Langham Ice Barrel
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AMA #13: Winter Months & Sickness, Wim Hof Breathing & Stressors

Sliced Bread: Ice Baths

AMA #7: Cold Exposure, Maximizing REM Sleep & My Next Scientific Studies


Langham, Dorset, UK